Donnerstag, September 29, 2005 


I treasure the principle of reciprocation. Thus, I want to see myself validated in those around me.We all want to be compensated/reflected in things we've done or exerted ,this I know.In other words, we tend to expect others to value to what we have done to them. If I send cards on birthdays for example, I probably want to receive one, as well.Same thing, If I say ' I love you',take care, & so the end of each conversation (phone,chats,emails, etc.) I expect her/him saying it,too.

I generally value this equation and I know I'm doing well on my way to understand what others want or expect from me as well. I value others effort big or small.

However,this simple principle is unfortunately not applicable to everybody. As some, out there are just simply too 'thick' or 'manhid' to give others feelings importance.

Life can be cruel sometimes...

Sonntag, September 25, 2005 

Household Mismanagement

Oh yes!I love the feeling of being a mother to a cuty seb BUT tell you what,he's not cuty when he's cranky.He was getting on my nerve one day,all I had to do is to look at myself in the mirror and say,

O hayan aanak anak ka kasi!buti nga!

(you made it!)*tongues out*

So don't be surprised if sebastian is hanging this day!hehe

Donnerstag, September 22, 2005 

Ta DaaaaaaH

Moving to a new place is always a big chaos.No matter how you plan,it's always a hassle. Things get lost. Some others break. And some boxes are just too damn heavy. Not to mention the whining hubby and a cranky baby!(hehe JK)

Lately, life hasn't been on schedule. We moved to Munich not many weeks ago.Apparently,I haven't much time to spend here on net .

I have been away (virtually) for more than a month and still am.Not really in a position to blog, I just wanted to say that I am doing alright and will continue blogging here soon...(hopefully)

I apologize to those who visited my site in the past week/month or so and did not see an update.It's awful!I know! Promise 'will reciprocate your visits as soon as I can *wink* BIG HUGS from me!

See you soon!